I like FLOSS and anything modular, portable, federated, local, and/or simple speaks to me.
scikit-learn: machine learning (Python)
PyTorch: deep learning and optimization
pandas: data manipulation
NumPy: scientific computing
seaborn: statistical data visualization
MNE: EEG data analysis
matplotlib: visualization
I like PEP8, docstrings, etc. I only like “notebooks” for educational purposes.
$\LaTeX$: all other documents
nvim: the best text editor and lifestyle
markdown: for simple notes
Pandoc: converting document formats
LibreOffice: for dealing with bad formats when not even pandoc can help
Gentoo, Parabola, Artix, Arch: desktop daily drivers
Debian: server
Alpine: containers
I use terminal applications in a simple window manager almost exclusively. I also like OpenRC because PID 1 should be simple and secure.
GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP): raster image editing
Inkscape: vector image editing
Blender: video editing and animation 3D modeling
Imagemagick: terminal/batch editing
Godot: game engine
Darktable: frequent photo editing tasks
Django: backend (Python)
Flutter: frontend, multi-platform (Dart)
GraphQL: query language
SQL: mainly with PostgreSQL and Django
HTML and CSS: less is more
Hugo: static site generator (powers this site!)
POSIX Shell + coreutils, pipes, regex, etc: regular computer use and simple scripting
Go: beyond simple scripting
git: version control
Ansible: provisioning and automation
Docker: containerization